Feb 27, 2018
Today I’m here with my friend Pam Laricchia talking about Deschooling and how the transition into unschooling mirrors the hero's journey. Pam is a long-time unschooling mom who loves exploring unschooling and sharing the fascinating things she’s discovered about learning and parenting along the way.
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Feb 20, 2018
This is episode 3 and today I’m here with my friend Dr. Cassidy Freitas, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist practicing in San Diego, talking about Therapy and how to make it work for us as families outside the mainstream. Cassidy shares that when a helping professional asked them, “How do you describe the...
Feb 13, 2018
Today I’m here with my friend Jo Watt of the blog and Instagram Girls Unschooled, talking about our role as parents on a natural learning path. Jo is a former teacher turned unschooling mum of 2.
Get the full show notes here: www.sageparenting.com/podcast2
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Feb 4, 2018
This is episode 1 and today I’ll be giving you an introduction to who I am and what this podcast is all about (natural homeschooling, gentle parenting, simple living, and family adventure). As an avid podcast listener myself, I really appreciate when I can scroll to an episode 1 and get a quick and...