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Sage Family

May 31, 2022

Today I’m here with Julie Bogart talking about Critical Thinking. Julie is a mom of 4 grown homeschoolers, creator of the online writing program Brave Writer, and author of the books The Brave Learner and Raising Critical Thinkers. We go over what critical thinking is, why it’s important, what gets in the way, how...

May 17, 2022

Today I’m here with Dr. Diana Hill talking about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Diana is a modern psychologist, mom, co-author of ACT Daily Journal, and host of the Your Life in Process podcast. We go over what ACT is, contacting the present moment (mindfulness), acceptance (in contrast to experiential...

May 3, 2022

Today I’m here with Miriam Kirmayer talking about Friendship. Miriam is a clinical psychologist and leading friendship expert who has studied the science of social connection for over a decade. We go over the importance of friendship, how we make new friends in motherhood, how we can cultivate closer connections,...